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The Book Shelf! Share What You're Reading!

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2020 2:04 PM
    Message # 8572605

    We all have them at the office or at home. A book shelf. What are you currently reading? Are there any great books that you would recommend to the chapter?

    I have just started Leadership: Theory and Practice, and Cases in Leadership for one of the classes I am taking this semester. I'll report back in a few months with a review of these.

    I am looking forward to discussing what you are reading!

    Last modified: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 10:26 PM | Anonymous
  • Tuesday, January 14, 2020 2:18 PM
    Reply # 8572748 on 8572605

    I just finished reading Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations, by Dan Ariely (Duke University).

    It's about several work-based experiments done to determine how best to motivate employees. Many of the studies showed that money is not a good motivator in the long-term, and that recognition and the ability to view one's success/accomplishments can be far more powerful than a bonus check. 

    Quick read, it's a TED talk written down in book form, but worth taking a look. If anyone wants to borrow my copy, let me know and I'll bring it to the next member meeting.

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020 10:14 AM
    Reply # 8581236 on 8572605
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I just finished reading Stories that Stick by Kindra Hall. 

    Some takeaways from it were

    • The key to storytelling is to reveal details about yourself that the audience can relate to. 
    • The best stories are designed and delivered to put the audience in your shoes
    • Focus on the point you want to make before you choose a story
    • Reference a specific moment "the first time I...", "it was a snowy December day..."
    • Realize your missteps and paint a picture of the realization
    • Lean on the emotions of the events
    • To help get a story out of someone focus on a noun. The more specific the better.

    Since I read it I've been more aware of storytelling elements in the books I've been reading and conversations I've been having. It was a great read and I highly recommend it. 


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